Thursday, 19 December 2013

Labour Shadow Department for Energy and Climate Change visit Hinkley C site and Bridgwater College.

Caroline Flint MP, Cllr Mick Lerry-Bridgwater PPC,
Tom Greatrex MP,  Claire Moody-Labour SW Euro Candidate,
Neil Guild-Taunton PPC
Caroline Flint MP and Tom Greatrex MP visited Hinkley C and the Energy and Skills Centre at Bridgwater College, on Tuesday 17th December. The aim of the visit was a fact finding tour, to establish the full impact of the Energy infrastructure project. The team were impressed with the developments at Bridgwater College and how local people could obtain training and skills to move into the Energy industry.

Mick discusses the issues with Tom Greatrex MP
Mick Lerry, leader of Sedgemoor Labour group and PPC for Bridgwater and West Somerset, said: "Members of the Labour Group were able to discuss the implications of the construction stage of Hinkley C and how it was important to avoid "boom and bust". We were able to explain the importance of Community Benefit during the construction stage of the power station. Highlighting the fact that Bridgwater and surrounding area should be recognised as an Enterprise or Business Zone, able to retain all the business rates to invest back into the local economy".

Both MPs were interested in the proposals put forward by the Labour Group and another meeting will be scheduled in early 2014 to discuss the matter further.

 Cllr. Mick Lerry
Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset.

Leader of the Labour Group on SDC.

Mobile 07775 905080

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