Monday, 16 January 2012

Open Letter from Sedgemoor Labour Group -" Think Again on Tesco's "

The time has come for the Sedgemoor District and the Somerset  County Councils to decide if they really want to sell the Brewery Field and Northgate Sites to Tesco.

We know that the Tesco share capital has gone down £6 billion due to adverse trading conditions.  We know that when Tesco comes to towns that other businesses have to close. See Rosie Boycotts book on how Illminster and Tiverton were changed by Tesco, no enhancement in those towns, Or Tescopoly by Simms on how globally Tesco exists to dominate all other traders.

Our Councils need the cash returns from the sale of the site. Why not have good quality housing and recreational facilities? This would enhance the Bridgwater Town Centre and support local traders. We don’t need yet another supermarket, we need a vibrant shopping centre, good homes and recreational space.

Councillors its not too late to change your minds.

Sedgemoor Labour Group

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